Collection: Doris Beltoft
Doris Beltoft – lives in Helgenæs - East Jutland
“Seeing a world in a grain of sand
and a sky in a wild flower,
to hold infinity in his hand
and eternity for an hour.”
(William Blake)
My pictures are about seeing. About really seeing what is. The surprising, the miraculous, the beauty of the prosaic, the mundane, the banal.
I see the world through the eyes of a child, and only relatively late realized that it doesn't look like that to everyone. And when my excited outbursts about the structure of a leaf, the reflections in a puddle or the wings of an insect were again and again met with a shrug of the shoulders and a "Well, it's just..." I started to keep it to myself.
Until my husband gave me his old camera when he bought a new one. Then I started taking pictures of what I saw. And suddenly others could see it too. "No!" they said, and "How beautiful!"
That was in 2008 and since then I have taken many photos. You can see and buy a few here .
I am also a trained journalist and coach, and today I combine my professional life with pictures, text and coaching in different ways. I live on Helgenæs in the most beautiful nature and like to document the moment. I prefer to choose my subjects spontaneously based on what arises and what I see at the moment. My pictures are thus not set up or arranged, but expressions of spontaneous observations.
"Only with the heart can you see correctly. The essential is invisible to the eye.”
(Antoine Saint Exupery – The Little Prince)
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